Setting goals for your life is the real action that starts everything moving in a positive direction. When you know what it is that you want you unlock the positive mind and unleash the ideas and energy for achieving what you truly desire.
When setting goals you must first begin with a pattern of positive thinking for this will give you the confidence to set goals that will challenge you.
This is a vitally important aspect for achieving any level of success in your life. Without a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook towards life, setting goals will prove to be a challenging task.
Positive thinking keeps your mind focused on all the good things in life, it keeps you from dwelling on missed chances or failed attempts at success.
When you saturate your mind with positive thinking you look at challenges as opportunities and you look at set backs as learning experiences.
A goal is a dream with a deadline.Napoleon Hill
Maintaining a positive attitude gives you the strength to believe in yourself, you can see your success before you set out on your path to your goal.
Setting goals should be an exciting and positive experience so you must fill your mind with positive emotions and never waiver in the belief or conviction that you will excel at the goals you have set for yourself.
Goal setting is not a stagnant activity it is more than just telling yourself that you are going to try and reach a particular destination or position in life.
Our plans to achieve and succeed must be thoroughly thought out and plans must be set in motion. Setting goals is much like designing a map for a pathway through life that you have yet to set foot on.
You must clearly define your goals and break large goals into a collection of smaller goals which allows you to feel the confidence of reaching each milestone along the way.
- Say to yourself: “I can do it, I can do it now, I believe in myself and my abilities.”
Make a plan and chart the steps you must take to reach your goals.
When you are setting goals there must be a burning desire, a fire in your belly to set out with passion on the new path you have charted for yourself.
Most importantly you must take action as for where there lacks action there so awaits failure. If you fail to choose your life it is inevitable that life will choose for you.
This is why setting goals is such a critical part of all personal achievement.
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.Zig Ziglar
Taking your goals one step at a time allows you to build the confidence to keep your positive forward movement exciting which is the fuel for that burning desire.
If you maintain an attitude of positive thinking you will draw people into your life that will help to propel you with even more positive forceful actions toward the ultimate achievement of your goals.
You will absolutely begin climbing the ladder to success when you begin setting goals that challenge you.
Keep a strong positive resolve about you, never put yourself down in anyway, always speak positively about yourself in every situation.
Setting Goals For Your New Journey Through Life!
Think of today as being the first day of the rest of your life, a new beginning a journey not yet traveled.
Are you satisfied with where you are and the direction you are going?
Envision the life you wish to have, focus on it strong, see the accomplishment of your goals on the mental screen in your mind.
Take control of your life and change whatever needs to be changed. You and only you have the power to do this. By setting goals you can change your world.
Setting goals that really challenge you and achieving the smaller milestones along the way will ultimately strengthen your determination.
Keep your goals in line with the mental picture you have of your dream life. On a regular basis visualize exactly as you wish your life to be.
When Setting Goals You Must Follow Some Basic Guidelines!
First you have to make sure that your goals are something that you truly have a burning desire to achieve.
They cannot be something that just sounds good for the moment. You must be absolutely serious and 100% committed to the successful achievement of your goal or goals.
I remember when I first started setting goals, I went about it all wrong. I did not take it as serious as I should have, I did not understand the power of a burning desire.
However, once I was able to get some assistance and I followed that advice. Well, that is when things in my life really started to change.
The achievements I was able to make were astonishing, I could not believe the difference a little direction truly made and that was when I really learned the power of setting goals.
The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.Michelangelo
Brian Tracy’s program truly is responsible for where I am today. Of course it takes more that just listening to an audio program to change your life, if you fail to take action towards the steps that are laid out in this incredible goal setting program nothing will change in your life.
Setting goals became the driving force in my life after learning all I had from The Ultimate Goals Program and I still use the program on a regular basis to help keep me on track.
Creating Your Own Future from The Ultimate Goals Program By Brian Tracy
The Ultimate Goals Program: How to Get Everything You Want – Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible is the most complete and effective goal-setting and goal-achieving program ever created.
Another rule for setting goals is that they have to be realistic.
If you only earn $30,000 a year right now you cannot set a goal to be earning a million dollars next month. The system really works if you are realistic with the system.
You must write your goals in the positive present tense.
Your subconscious mind will not go to work on goals that have anything negative related to them.
For example if you want to lose ten pounds you would not write down “I wish I wasn’t so heavy” that statement has a negative connotation to it.
You will see success much easier if you write your goal as a positive statement.
If you wrote: “I now eat only healthy foods and I have lost 10 lbs. as a result of my change in diet” you will most likely achieve success because you are positive in your statement.
When you are setting goals for the direction your life is going to take you should always write your goals as though you have already achieved them, this gives your mind energy.
Write your goals out in complete detail, every little thing counts. Remember setting goals is all part of the circle of a successful fulfilled life!

Setting Goals For Success
Describe what you want, be specific, what kind of car, what color, what size house, how many bedrooms.
When setting goals keep them as detailed as you possibly can. This will help you keep that burning desire by describing what you want in the present tense.
When setting goals do so for every area of your life. Do not get hung up on just financial goals.
Think about your health goals, your spiritual one’s, your career, your family and home.
Every aspect of your life!
Just as I said do not make your goals unattainable, you also do not want to make them too small.
There is no sense in setting goals that don’t even challenge you. Your mind needs to be challenged you want to keep that positive attitude working for you at all times so aim for some big achievements.
Another one of my all-time favorite authors and speaker is Denis Waitley and he has some of the most powerful audio programs available.
Like they say never put all your eggs in one basket, the same goes for learning new life changing skills.
The New Dynamics of Goal Setting is a terrific addition to any personal development library as this program touches on some extremely relevant advances in the field of personal development and the building of a strong character through positive thinking and setting goals.
The New Dynamics of Goal Setting By Denis Waitley
The New Dynamics for Setting Goals will not only put you on track toward achieving your success, but it will help you remain flexible and focused regardless of what obstacles stand in your way.
This new approach to setting goals is flexible enough to deal with today’s volatile job market.
Setting Goals Some Critical Steps To The Goal Setting Process!
Writing your goals down is critical in helping you achieve success.
Writing down your goals creates the road map to your success. Although just the act of writing them down can set the process in motion, it is also extremely important to review your goals often.
Remember, the more focused you are on your goals the more likely you are to accomplish them.
Never tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
I am actually in the habit of rewriting my goals everyday. Setting goals should never feel like a chore, you should be excited to be making such plans.
The Last And Most Important Thing To Mention Is That You Have To Take Action Towards Your Goals Everyday!
Without taking any action other then setting goals you will not see any success.
You must work towards the achievement of your goals everyday, review them as much as you can and remember the strength of a positive and optimistic attitude.
Always stay focused and determined, maintain a strong commitment to achieving success.
A strong positive attitude will help keep you motivated towards accomplishing those tasks that lead to the success of your goals.
Focus your thoughts onto the goals you have set, keep them on your mind all day long.
When setting goals believe right from the start that you are going to accomplish them and that no obstacle can stand in your way.
Believe In Yourself and The World Is Yours!
I truly wish you all the success you can dream of and remember if you can visualize it you can achieve it.
Make setting goals a regular commitment for every day of your life.
{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey Steve you didn’t your website, I would be interested in checking out your site and the services you offer.
This is an awesome article and as long as you don’t mind I would like to print it out and give a copy to all my clients. I am a personal trainer and I think if people could understand the importance of setting goals like you so eloquetly explain they would see much better results in the gym.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks Jeff, you are more than welcome to use my article, that is my goal for this site to help as many people as I can reach.
Dear Sorrell,
Thank you so much for sharing your story, I personally found it to be very inspiring a testimony to the human spirit and will. You should be extremely proud of all you have accomplished and I am sure that you have many more conquests ahead of you.
You hit the nail on the head when you said that your attitude is only one piece of the puzzle of success. Positive Thinking will give you the drive you need to keep pushing forward when it seems as though something is always pushing back at you.
To achieve any amount of success in life you absolutely must have a positive attitude, a strong desire, determination to keep pushing forward despite the odds and the self-discipline to stay the course.
Again Thank You For Sharing!
In 2001 i found myself pregnant with a failling relationship that i knew was not going to be a significant feature in the life of my new born child. I already had a son from a previous relationship that ended in tears and as he reached the age of 14 i found myself once again as a single unmarried mother for the second time. I had always been very idealistic and put my son first ensuring he was supported in his education to the best of my ability. With the forecast of another child in my life as a single parent i began to really evaluate where i was where i wanted to be and what direction i wanted to take. I remember telling myself i wasnt going out like that. This would not be my legacy. I had always been quite a proud person and i knew there was somthing inside me capable of greater things. I wrote a list of the things i was going to achieve and decided that the only obsetcle standing between my success and my failure would be my own limitations if i chose to set any. My goals included getting back into full time work once my son reached 3 yrs of age. In the mean time i would go back to college and earn enough credits to go to university. My second goal was to go to university and obtain a law degree. My 3rd was to buy a house and make it a real home that my children could be proud of and comfortable in. My 4th goal was to obtain my residency in foriegn country so i could fulfill a further dream to enhance my life and career abroard and that of my children in the future. It took a while and i went through many twist turns and at times wondered if i had taken on too much at the same time, but in my head i always told myself this is what i want and i only if if i chose to give up. In my experience i would say that positive thinking and determination are the key. without the right attitude to see things through to the end i believe success will always be just out of reach. It simply came down to my belief in myself and my strong desire for change in my life and to prove i had the power within to make the change. However i did pay a price and that was at the sacrifice of my personal life. Although i evolved through this period with the support of good friends and family you have to do 110% of the required work so I never left time to allow for the development of a loving intimate relationship. I did not set this as one of my goals. I am still continuing on y journey and have a few important matters that i need to finalise. I now hope that my future will be much more relaxed and that i will find time to share my life with someone. I the meanwhile i would say never ever give up. And when you are pursuing your goals be real and honest about what you want and let your desires come from your heart rather than just your head.
Hi Ashish,
With an attitude like that you cannot fail. I will have you design one of my sites for me.
my goal is to became a web designer i am in college and i am working very hard to my goal i am very positive and noting is going to stop me and i belive in my self