Positive thinking for the new year and beyond. Can you think of a better time than right now to start working on improving your attitude?
Well technically it would’ve been better had you started yesterday or last week or last month but that’s all in the past so let’s start fresh right now. What do you say?
This article is going to be a little different from my typical articles, it’s the first day of the new year and I just can’t let it go by without posting something new for my readers.
If you are a regular visitor to Positive Thinking For Personal Development there’s a good chance that your already aware of my health issues if you’re not you can check out the video on this page about depression.
I’m experiencing severe headaches today and blurred vision and that makes it difficult to sit down in one sitting and right out of full article but as I said I cannot let the first day of the year go by without adding some content about positive thinking.
So Positive Thinking For 2012 will just be a montage of thoughts and ideas for you to read through. I will fix it up when I am feeling better or maybe not!
Positive Thinking For 2012 Moving Forward

Positive Thinking
Sometimes what holds us back the most is the past, we hold onto old failures and bad memories and we allow them to dictate our attitude.
If you’re always looking backwards it’s hard to look forward. Try to look at every day as a new beginning with new opportunities because that is exactly what it is.
People like to make New Year’s resolutions, things such as losing weight, getting in shape, buying a new car etc.
I say that you make a New Year’s resolution about positive thinking but take it one step further and make it a commitment.
A lot of people are skeptical about positive thinking because they don’t understand how it works, why it works or how to work it.
I’ve got a simple little exercise for you, this is beneficial for anyone whether they believe in positive thinking or not. Although you are here reading this article on a website about positive thinking so that tells me that you are at least interested in the concept.
So here’s what you do, take out a blank sheet of paper, grab yourself a pen and at the top of the paper I want you to write out:
Positive Thinking is…..
Then just start jotting down any ideas that come to your mind, don’t take too much time to think about it because this isn’t a test so there are no wrong answers.
I will help get you started with a few ideas and then you can take it from there.
Positive Thinking is…. Believing in myself!
Positive Thinking is…. Expecting the best out of every situation!
Positive Thinking is…. The ultimate triumph of mind over matter!
Positive Thinking is…. A great way to keep a great attitude!
Okay you should get the idea so now it’s your turn. Remember this is to be a positive experience so there is no pressure and no reason to get frustrated.
If you find yourself struggling for ideas just start writing down anything that’s positive even if it doesn’t make sense in the sentence.
The whole idea is to open your mind to all the possibilities and all the opportunities that lie ahead.
Be A Positive Thinker And Don’t Ever Give Up.
Always try to find happiness in everything you do.
I know some of you may be saying that’s not always possible but I’m telling you that it is possible and you can do it.
Positive thinking comes in many forms it can be optimism, enthusiasm, a feeling of personal power or just a plain hopeful attitude.
Always Have Hope!
Hope, it’s a wonderful thing it’s all yours and no one can ever take it away from you. Hope is everlasting you can use the feeling of hope whenever you need to.
Positive Thinking And Discouragement
Let’s talk about discouragement. It can be difficult to focus on positive thinking when you are feeling discouraged.
Try some of the following suggestions to help you from becoming discouraged.
- Difficult Times Don’t Last.
When you’re feeling discouraged just keep telling yourself that difficult times don’t last forever and this time shall pass as well.
- Stay In Charge of Your Thoughts.
The one thing we all have complete control over is our thoughts but if you don’t take control of your thoughts they will take control of you.
Choose positive thinking, you control your attitude so choose to have a positive attitude no matter what.
- Learn To Let Go!
Like I said earlier every day is a new day, every moment is the new moment, if something went wrong and there’s nothing that you could do about it will let it go.
Often times people will hang onto the bad things that happened in the past and not the good. Don’t let this be you!
- Make Positive Thinking A Habit!
You want to get into the habit of hanging on to the good things that happened in the past because that my friend is positive thinking.
- Always Do Your Best!
Whatever you do always do your best and if your best isn’t good enough you can still take pride in the fact that you gave it your all.
- Give Freely And Love Anyways.
Give freely, don’t have any expectations when you give of yourself, give with an open heart and a healthy loving attitude.
Don’t look upon positive thinking as a goal you’re trying to reach look upon it as a way of life. Positive thinking is not a destination it is a lifelong process one that you get to enjoy every step of the way.
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Thank you so much Pandu! I love to read feedback like that and I really appreciate you taking the time to thank me. As long as I on this earth I will continue to write for this site and as soon as I conquer these medical issues I have some exciting plans for the site as well.
God Bless You!
Positve Thinking For 2012 and Beyond!
Positive Thinking is a good way to start the year With. Howard you are great! Keep on doing the good things. I couldn’t stop reading your article and I still want to read more of your articles. Thanks and have a blessed new year….!
Couldn’t say it better myself : )
Positive thinking is a great way to start the new year. And if done consisently it can make it a great year.
Dear Wagari,
I would love to be of help. If you could be a little more specific I would have a better idea of how I could help.
Take Care My Friend And Never Give Up!
You are the best J.R. you just made me smile and that is a great way to end the day!
Good Night Everyone I will Be back Tomorrow.
LOL…Absolutely! : )
You are more than welcome my friend.
I am glad you are here.
Howard: Another great article from you. I always told my college students at Ball State Unersity Muncie, Indiana if you will just think positively you wiil be able do all my computer assignents and get a good grade. I know that you think positively every day because with all your health problems, you never give up. Thanks for everything you publish, I really enjoy them. J.R. Necessary , the old retired professor
Dear Mr. Howard, i got your tips as it is extremely helfull. I am westing most of my time in searching informations,materials and others that i think they lead me to the success journey. I am 23 years old ,living in ETHIOPIA, which is needy country in everythings especially in experts like you. Please,help me on the direction i must take to realize my dream. Thank you.
Howard:I just finished my new program
The “Necessary” Ideas for Positive Thinking in 2012. I have taken every letter in the alphabet A-Z and created a positive statement for each for letter A-Always be excited about life. For the letter Z-Zigzag your way through those obstacles that get in your way. I have done same for all the other 24 letters in alphabet. I plan to use some of the key points from this article at the beginning of my program. Thanks for your permission to do so. J.R. Necessary, retired professor, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.
Howard: It is about 4:30 a.m. January 9, 2012…What a great way for me to realize just how important Positive Thinking is for a Happy life. Thanks again for all your ideas as to how to really enjoy every of day of my life.
J.R. Necessary, retired Professor, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
positive thinking is allways i wanted to be and help me a lot to do my studies a nd thank you very much for you time
Hi Howard,
This is my first time visiting your site and I love it, I also agree with Sandy about the article it is really good and helpful.
Can I be your 2nd official positive thinking positive thinker for 2012?
Thanks for the article I will be checking out the rest of your site for a while it looks like.
Hi Sandy,
Great to have you here and being that you are the first to post to my new article I hereby declare you “The 1st New Positive Thinking Positive Thinker For 2012!” : )
Now you have to go out there and share your Positive Attitude with the world!
God Bless You and Happy New Year!
What a great way to start off the new year. I don’t know why you said your article would be off because it is perfect and I love the tips and advice about discouragement.
I want to be your first new Positive Thinking Positive Thinker for 2012 :)