Howard Grant Platt 3rd

Positive Thinking Quotes to read through for when you’re feeling a little down and could use a little help to see all the good things life has to offer. Everyone experiences those times when nothing feels good and even though you cannot see it at the time you know those times will pass. Reading through positive […]


“Positive Thinking Goals Achieving” That Is The Type of Attitude You Want To Have! Positive Thinking is a Life Style And With It, You Can Do Anything! Achieving All Your Goals Becomes Your Reality And Not Just Distant Dreams, Attitude Is Everything! Positive thinking will give you a wonderful outlook on your life and the […]


Positive Thinking And Positive Self-Talk Together Can Create A Positively Wonderful Life! How Positive Thinking May Be Blocked By Your Own Inner Dialogue or Self-Talk! Positive thinking can and will change your entire life. Maintaining a positive attitude can and will help you to deal with and manage many of life’s challenges. A positive attitude […]


Positive thinking empowers and strengthens your resolve to create and live your ideal life! Start thinking positive today and enjoy a better tomorrow! This is not just my opinion or some theory. The human mind is a unique and powerful tool, and the best part is that you have access to this magnificent tool every […]


Positive Thinking and personal achievement learn how a simple change in your attitude can help you to succeed in both your personal and professional life! Achieving the success you desire does not have to be as challenging as you think. You were born to achieve great things with your life, however you have to believe […]


The Ten Keys To Building Your Personal Power And Unshakable Self-Confidence! There are 10 keys to personal power that will lead you to a more powerful and confident personality. With these 10 qualities success is predictable however if you lack even one of these qualities of personal power, that can be enough, the weak link […]


Personal Development Tips that you can use immediately in your journey for self-improvement and personal growth. Personal development is the deliberate act and intent to better oneself beginning with the strengthening and progressive growth in your areas of weakness. I have studied the habits of hundreds of successful men and women and have found that […]


Personal Development The Journey That Never Ends! Positive self-expectancy is the fuel for any personal development journey because when you expect the best you will almost always achieve the best. Let’s first discuss Personal Development you have no doubt heard the phrase before but do you really know what it is or the real meaning […]


Optimism Is The Central Point of The Thoughts of All Successful People. Optimistically Reading Through This Page Is The First Step Towards Improving Your Optimism! Optimism is a matter of mental habit. You can learn to practice the habit of being an optimist and thereby greatly enhance your chances of achieving success. Or you can […]


Motivational Quotes For You To Read Through For Those Times When You Could Use Some Positive Motivation! Motivational Quotes Can Pick You Up When You Are Feeling Down! I like to read through them when I just want to relax for a while. As I come across some quotes that I think you may like […]


Motivational Books and Audio Programs A Vast Selection of Personal Development Audio-Books and MP3 Downloads. If you looking to improve your life in any particular area you will find exactly what you need right here. If you’re looking for Motivational Books or books on Personal Development you have come to the right place. Our bookstore […]


What is truly motivational in your life? Does life itself motivate you? Do you need an extra push every now and again? Motivation is the key to all success and the following motivational tips will help to kick-start your personal motivation to achieve greater heights in life. There are many factors in life that determine […]


How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem. On This Page, You Will Find Some Easy-to-follow Tips For Improving Your Self-Esteem and developing Greater Self-Confidence And Positive Self-Image. Low self-esteem is based on the internalization of value. A person will never be more important than any other person, regardless of looks, status, or birth. Each of us is […]


Loss of motivation destroys that driving force that keeps you going when everything else is against you. It seems that when life is getting the best of us, the first thing to go is our motivation, yet this is when we need it the most. When you lose all the personal drive to keep moving […]


Improving Self-Confidence Takes Desire And Action. Do you have the confidence to go after the things you really want out of life or do you just accept what life gives you? Do you believe there are no limits to what you can achieve in your life or do you settle for mediocrity? After reading this […]


Gratitude With An Attitude  learn the benefits of having a Grateful Attitude! Showing gratitude for the good that others do or for positive events that directly affect your life, displays the dignity that you possess. The sincere display of gratitude can resonate far beyond its true starting point. When we show appreciation for the special […]

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Showing Gratitude Shows Character. Gratitude says so much about your true character. We all have so much to be grateful for in this life, but sometimes it takes someone else to open your eyes to it all. If you find it hard to show true gratitude you are going to find it hard to really […]


Goals, a clear conception, a vivid vision, a goal clearly imagined, this is where it all begins. We all have habits that were developed early in life, some of them are helpful and others are clearly not.                                                                                                                      There is one habit that most of us acquired in our school days which is very deeply entrenched […]


Enthusiasm Power Only An Enthusiast Can Enjoy! Enthusiasm is one of the greatest of human traits a person can have. An old Chinese proverb said “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.” People are attracted to people who care. If you are enthusiastic about your work other people will be attracted […]

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Enthusiasm or Enthusiastic It’s Tough To Have One Without The Other! Enthusiasm is what ignites your drive and ambition to succeed at any endeavor. One can never be too enthusiastic providing your goals are in alignment with your integrity. The saddest days of our lives are those that we can find nothing to be enthusiastic […]


Enthusiasm Ignite The Greatness Within You! Enthusiasm Is The Driving Force Behind All Success, Jump On The Enthusiastic Bandwagon Today! Enthusiasm is such a powerful tool when it comes to improving your personal development. I am going to define it according to the dictionary and then I will tell you how I define it in […]


Decisions we are all faced with hundreds of decisions all the days of our life but but it is the achievers in life that know exactly how to deals with all the choices one has. A decisive person will achieve more in a day, week or month than one who lacks the ability to make […]


Daily Motivation Tips And Motivational Strategies that will help to keep you focused on your daily tasks and goals. With all the distractions we all must deal with on a daily basis it is easy to fall off track. Motivation plays a vital role in your personal development. We should always strive to improve ourselves and […]


Using Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Life Everyday In Every Way Possible! Daily affirmations are positive statements you repeatedly say to yourself to effect a positive change in your life. Affirmations are simple, short messages. They are not meant to be complicated, confusing, or harmful in any way. To ensure the effectiveness of daily affirmations, […]


Creativity One of The Ten Keys To Personal Power! Creativity is the next key to building Personal Power. This is such a strong character trait to have and nurture. It is your creativeness that separates you from the crowd and it can open doors for you where you never even thought there were doors to […]


Visualization is your personal power for turning your dreams into reality. Visualization is the process of using your imagination to focus the mind’s eye onto the successful completion of a particular goal or the desired outcome of any situation. If you can dream it, if you can see it, if you can believe it, through […]


Creative Visualization is one of the key personal powers we all possess that can be used to take control of our minds and ultimately every aspect of our lives. Creative visualization is a powerful technique that allows you to tap into the power of your mind and your natural creative imagination to manifest your deepest […]


Courage is the foundation of your personal power and self-confidence, and learning how to strengthen your courage is essential to your personal development journey. Courage is the outstanding quality of all successful leaders. It is a way of life; it is as much a habit or routine; it is not thought of only in terms of […]


Consistency Is The Seventh Key In Our Discussion To Developing Your Personal Power! Consistency shows your desire to follow instructions and complete tasks in a well-formed manner. The effort to accomplish tasks in the same manner time and time again. In developing our personal power this ability is crucial, it shows people that you are […]

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Consideration The Sixth Key to Developing Your Personal Power. One who cannot or does not know how to effectively show consideration for all those around him is truly incapable of enjoying a successful life. Consideration is the sixth key in our discussion of the 10 keys to personal power. In this article you will learn […]


Confidence is the one key to your personal power that ties all the others that we have spoken of together. This is a result of all the other key points to personal power. If you are ready for a mouth full I will give you a rundown of how the 10 Keys To Personal Power […]


Competence the second key to building your personal power! Competence is the commitment to becoming excellent in your chosen field. Any man or woman who achieved any level of success in any field of business or personal activity had to first decide to become excellent in that particular field. The power to choose your direction […]


Common Sense The Forth Key In Our Discussion On Developing Your Personal Power. To prevail through all the twists and turns in life common sense must prevail! You can be one of the most intelligent people on earth but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you posses the common sense to use your intelligence wisely. With […]


Commitment The Eighth Key In Our Discussion On Developing Your Personal Power. Commitment, whether it be to a job, a relationship, or a profession is one of the hardest processes for people to actually fully follow through with. The majority of people in this world are not completely devoted to anything. People may claim to […]


Causes of Stress can be controlled or maintained once you learn how to recognize your stress triggers as this is the first step to effective stress management. Knowing The Causes Of Stress In Your Life Is Half The Battle And This Could Open The Doors To Healing Some Of The Problems. The causes of stress […]


What it Means To Go Beyond Positive Thinking and What it Can Do For Our Lives! In this article, you will Learn What It Takes To Go Beyond Positive Thinking and really improve every aspect of your life. To go beyond positive thinking means you will have to take an in-depth look at yourself with […]


Becoming more positive is an act of the will and all our will power comes from the mind and our thoughts. Learn to control your thoughts and you will have mastered your ability to become more positive at any moment in your life! Improve Your Life By Learning The Secrets To Becoming More Positive. Becoming more […]


The audio programs I list on this page are the best personal development audio programs available and I own each and every one of them. I can tell you from first hand experience that these are the absolute best personal growth and success audio programs available. Audio programs or the use of such programs is […]


A Positive Attitude Change For Living A More Positive and Productive Life. You have probably heard before that attitude is everything, well the fact is your attitude in life will determine the heights of your personal and professional success. Your attitude determines how other people perceive you in this world and it portrays how you […]